The Team are really excited and delighted to be collaborating on this great community DOJ Project.
We had many discussions on what truth is: personal truth, social truth, inner truth, outer truth, and community truth. The Team discussed many issues relating to justice. They talked about what was important for them in our community. Here is what they came up with for their topics on truth and justice: Friendship, belonging, diversity, togetherness, love and acceptance. After finding their direction they discussed images. They wanted themselves in the picture. Since we were all doing Zumba as our exercises in-between the art making. They took their poses from Zumba to create their clay figures. After Miro fired them the Team decorated their respective clay figures according to their own ideas of beauty and truth. They also created hundreds of little shells, sea anemones, and mystery sea change objets d'art. These hundreds of little pieces will be put together to create the threads of truth that bind all the Team members. Together the Team contribution make up the aperture, the door, portal, or gate. The main site where the Nautilus inhabits.